Hey There! I'm Mahalakshmi

Perfecting digital experiences for people since 2019

Previously 3 years of product design @ vue.ai

Currently pursuing MS in Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

My Image

Little about me!

My Design Journey

I started my design journey with an undergraduate degree in fashion. I freelanced as a graphic designer and started my product journey in 2019 @ vue.ai, an enterprise AI where I enjoyed over three years crafting experiences for digital products.

What I do now?

I'm a Graduate student instructor for the undergraduate UX capstone course (SI 487) at the University of Michigan School of Information, I'm assisting and mentoring a cohort of 140 students to carry out their projects successfully.


Energy Treasure Hunt to uncover energy saving opportunities in the industries.

UX Design | B2B | UI Design | Sustainability

Admin Panel to manage data, run marketing campaigns and visualize sales

UX Design | B2B | UI Design | Parking

Energy Treasure Hunt to uncover energy saving opportunities in the industries.

UX Design | B2B | UI Design | Sustainability

Admin Panel to manage data, run marketing campaigns and visualize sales

UX Design | B2B | UI Design | Parking

High Fives

Don't just take my word for it

  • Michael London

    Founder and CEO

    Maha's ability to quickly generate design mock-ups and workflow recommendations in the absence of clearly defined requirements allowed us to move rapidly through design objectives, user testing, and feature releases. Her creativity, work ethic, and attention to detail directly contributed to successful product demos with prospective customers. Maha will be a standout addition to any design team she joins.

  • Noyal Claiton

    Senior Product Designer

    "There is no better colleague than Mahalakshmi. She is one of the most dedicated professionals I’ve worked with and is willing to put that extra help whenever you need it. Her expertise as a Product Designer is considerable, and it helped our team come up with more efficient solutions on different projects. Her contribution is valuable to the side, and I highly recommend Mahalakshmi and would love to work with her again.

  • Michael London

    Founder and CEO

    Maha's product design and UI/UX contributions to Energy Kaizen made an immediate and positive impact on the business. Her ability to quickly generate design mock-ups and workflow recommendations in the absence of clearly defined requirements allowed us to move rapidly through design objectives, user testing, and feature releases. Her creativity, work ethic, and attention to detail directly contributed to successful product demos with prospective customers. Maha will be a standout addition to any design team she joins. I very much look forward to the next opportunity we get to work together. Thank you, Maha!

What I Love?

About Me